Life according to Ayurveda is a combination of the four mutually supporting components i.e. body (Shareera), sense faculties (Indriya), mind (Satva) and soul (Atma). A healthy & balanced lifecycle requires a harmonious support of all these above factors and thus the concept of health embraces physical, mental, sensory and spiritual domains.
Mental health is a prime division of Ayurvedic description of ‘Swasthya’ along with Physical and Spiritual well-being. Effective communication, knowledge, emotions, thinking and self-confidence in an individual is based on the mental health. In all domains of human life mental health is very important like relationships, personal and emotional well-being and in the contribution to humanity. It is also specified that a person with healthy mental state (Swastha manas), delighted soul with proper functioning of sense organs (Prasanna saatmendriya) along with well-balanced state of dosha (sama dosha), proper metabolism (Sama Agni), proportionate body organs and tissues (Sama Dhatu) and proper physiology (Sama Kriya) is perfectly healthy.
What you will learn?
- Basic ideologies of mental health as per Ayurveda (mind)
- How to analyze mental constitution of an individual
- Causative factor of psychological imbalances
- How to maintain mental health with diet and lifestyle habits
- How to re-establish the mental harmony through magicoreligious Practice & psychotherapy (sattavavajaya chikitsa)
- How Panchakarma therapies can be useful in psychological imbalances
- Methods of rejuvenation of mind
Course contents
Module – 1
- Introduction
- Location/seat of mind
- Gunas/properties of Manas
- Functions of manas
- Artha of manas (objects)
- Importance of manas in health
Module – 2
- Gyan utpatti (knowledge pathway) and Manas
- Buddhi and manas
- Mansik prakriti
- Relationship of mind with body, dosha, bala, ojas nidra etc.
Module – 3
- Nidana of manasa roga (causes of mental diseases)
- Trividha Chikitsa with respect to mind In detail
Module – 4
- Role of diet & lifestyle in mental health
- Importance of manasa swathya
- Role of Rasayana in mental health