Ayurveda and Yoga are both traditional systems of health promotion. In Yoga the goal is spiritual growth, primary means is to balance the mind by removing its tendency to enter states causing imbalance through their qualities. In Ayurveda the primary emphasis is on promoting health and preventing pathology and restoring health. Yoga and Ayurveda have similar aims and their lifestyle practices complement each other. Both act on subtle levels of psycho-physiology aiming to improve system regulation.
What you will learn?
- Learn about the concept daily routine
- How to live in harmony with environment
- How yoga helps to balances the doshas
- Role of pranayama in health
Course contents
Module – 1
- Concept of health in Ayurveda
- Importance of swasthavritta
- Benefits of Right living
- Three pillars of Life
Module – 2
- Dinacharya (Day regimen)
- Ratricharya (Night regimen)
- Ritucharya (seasonal regimen)
- Ethical regimen
- Prevention of diseases
Module – 3
- Yoga and Ayurveda
- Yoga posture according to prakruti (constitution)
- Yoga for vata
- Yoga for pitta
- Yoga for kapha
Module – 4
- Yoga and peace of mind
- Effects of Pranayana on health –Ayurvedic concept
- Yogic diet