Rasayana – A Natural Way Of Rejuvenation

Ayurveda, science of life deals with every aspects of life cycle. Ayurveda aims at promotion of health, prevention of illness and cure from the disease, as a result bestowing healthy happy long life. Rasayana is the branch of Ayurveda which mainly focuses on both maintenance of health and treatment of disease.

As the age progresses the physical body is naturally prone for the wear and tear, degeneration. It is essential to keep oneself devoid of the degenerative problems and rejuvenate the system for better harmony.

Geriatric care is an essential part in life cycle. Application of rasayana regularly will help to avoid vata related diseases which are more prone in geriatric period. Rasayana also is beneficial in mental level; proper application of rasayana post treatment of diseases will help in prevention of reoccurrence of diseases.

What you will learn?

  • Understanding the process of aging and its effect on body tissues
  • Understanding the process of aging with Ayurveda background
  • Application of rasayana in geriatric care
  • Application of rasayana in disease management
  • How Panchkarma therapies helps in rejuvenation & in boosting Immunity
  • Category : eCourses
  • Date : March 23, 2022
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