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नगरी नगरस्येव रथस्येव रथी यथा|
स्वशरीरस्य मेधावी कृत्येष्ववहितो भवेत्||
A wise person should always be cautious for duties towards his own body in the same way as an administrator of city or charioteer remains cautious about duties respectively towards city or chariot.
Vedas and Upanishads are the great literary resources where the unexplainable secrets of life exist. ATHARVAVEDA, the last of the four great bodies of knowledge – known as Vedas, which forms the backbone of Indian civilization, contains 114 hymns related to formulations for the treatment of different types of diseases.
Our online learning courses are the basic courses to know Ayurveda and to lay foundation for the residential courses offered at Vedarjana School of Ayurveda.
Ayurveda – Art of living
Discover Your Ayurveda Prakriti
Prakriti is the combination of spontaneous physical, mental, emotional and behavioral traits of the person. According to Ayurveda, every human being has a typical constitution that decides the state of his/her health and predisposition to particular ailments. Being human is the only similarity but every human is different from other in many aspects.
Check Your Body Type